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How to be a responsible Wife

Writer's picture: v ev e

responsible wife

Currently, women seem to overlook the importance of behaving like a lady, not to mention fulfilling their responsibilities as wives. Any attempt to address and improve women's behavior is often met with disapproval, and may even lead to men losing their jobs or facing legal consequences. This practice of suppressing differing opinions only serves to confirm the validity of such ideas.

Below are several methods that can assist young wives in becoming responsible members of their families:

Embrace submissiveness, femininity, and supportiveness: After a stressful day at work, a man does not want to engage in arguments and become exhausted. Therefore, be highly understanding of his circumstances and follow his lead. Remember, he is bread winner and sacrificing his life by defending on the day of adversary, not you, so show respect and be submissive. He doesnt want to deal with another man in the house.

Be accountable for your responsibilities: Women are expected to fulfill their role as homemakers by taking care of household tasks such as cleaning and cooking. In modern times, some women have become accustomed to the idea of having a maid cater to their needs. This behavior is typically seen in irresponsible women, often enabled by weak/beta husbands who fail to assert their expectations. Consequently, such dynamics can lead to wives becoming lazy, resorting to drama, or even engaging in infidelity.

In free time learn do good job at cooking, decorating the house, focus on ones health and children, stare time for relaxation, etc.

Meet your partner's sexual needs: Strive to fulfill your partner's needs whenever they arise. Avoid using sex as a tool for manipulation, as this could lead to negative consequences in the future, potentially driving your partner to seek intimacy elsewhere.

For men, sex is as essential as eating daily, meaning it is necessary for them regularly. It is important to acknowledge this biological aspect and act accordingly. Here is a protip for wives to see her man does not indulge with another women: Try having sex early in the morning, this way his balls are empty and he can think through his big head instead of little head when he goes out of home. As a result, he may not be as easily tempted by attractive women he encounters at work or elsewhere. As the saying goes "Keep man's stomach full and empty his pipe ;)".

Men are biologically predisposed to have multiple partners, not just one. While this opportunity presents only to a small percentage of high-status men in society, women should accept this reality and set aside their emotions to preserve the marriage. Insisting on exclusive access to a man's resources can be perceived as selfishness on the wife's part to have full resources all to herself. In most cases, this scenario is unlikely to occur, so it is better to disregard these exceptional situations.

Family is more important than your career: The primary reason a man marries a woman is to have children; otherwise, he sees no purpose for a woman in his life other than for sexual activities, for which he can seek professionals. Therefore, ensure the well-being of the children without any complaints. Often wives these days focus on career and ignore children or rent her responsibilities to child care services. A smart husband want a house wife not a career women. Career causes lot of stress which is inadvertently shown in the family. Already a stressed husband do not want to deal with another stressed wife. Thats why there is a high divorce rate among working couples. Also a working wife is often materialistic and spends money on herself, meaningless travels, etc. than on the family.

Stay fit: Many women tend to neglect their physical fitness after getting married. One of the primary reasons men get married is because of their partner's physical attractiveness. By not prioritizing health and fitness, you are shirking your responsibilities. Nowadays, women often invest in clothing and makeup to enhance their beauty. However, most men dislike these things, so it's advisable to avoid excessive makeup and purchasing numerous clothes in an attempt to look beautiful.

An active mother generally makes children active with is a huge advantage as they grow up.

Be a unifying force: A wise wife knows how to foster strong connections between both families by being kind and creating a harmonious atmosphere. I have observed many women from Eastern and Central Asia who attempt to sever the ties between husbands and their parents. Such spouses pose a significant threat and can ultimately destroy a man's life.

Offer opinions only when requested: You are married to a man who has achieved success independently and is more accomplished than you in most aspects. Therefore, he may not require your input to a great extent. Avoid giving unsolicited advice and interfering with his decisions. If he seeks your assistance, engage in a discussion with him at that time. If a decision is reached that contradicts your preferences, remain silent and refrain from nagging, as you should know husband is the leader of the house.

Reduce unnecessary spending: In today's society, a significant number of women have a tendency to overspend on clothing they seldom use, as well as on pricey handbags, shoes, and jewelry. Data indicates that 80% of consumer expenditure comes from women, indicating a materialistic pattern. Women generally do these to show off to another women their status. However, these possessions only leads to wasting money. Instead of engaging in such acquisitions, it would be more valuable for a husband to organize a vacation that can establish enduring memories.

Characteristics of an Exceptional Wife:

In addition to these, the following items will inspire a wife to surpass expectations and become an exceptional wife:

Understanding Priorities: A man prioritizes his health, children, parents, and very close friends before his wife. It is important for a wife to recognize this hierarchy and avoid trying to become the top priority by disrespecting these individuals.

Allow me to clarify the reasons: Without good health, both physically and mentally, a man cannot operate with a clear mind, making it his top priority. A man passes on his legacy through his children, which is the primary reason for his marriage. If a wife mistreats his children, she will face his anger. A man's upbringing is a result of his parents, so disrespecting them will only make matters worse.

Finally, a man is most lively and engaged when surrounded by his closest friends, with whom he freely shares his emotions, more so than with his parents, children, or wife. These friends provide care, support, and encouragement during tough times, making them invaluable. Alienating husband from his closet friends make him miserable and show adversely in his mental health.

Often, women tend to intervene in men's conversations or decision-making instead of addressing her concerns privately. This behaviour can lead to numerous challenges for the man and his inner circle. So a super wife understands this and never comes between them.

Be supportive when he's down: When a man is going through a rough patch, nowadays his wife often reacts with her harshest behavior to cause him pain instead of standing by his side and being a source of moral support. This will leave a lasting mark on his heart and he will always remember your actions.

Avoid nagging about his financial matters: Nowadays, wives tend to inquire about every financial choice their husbands make, but it is not their prerogative to be informed about such matters. Women are generally focused on short-term goals and may not grasp the long-term financial advancements made by men.

Home schooling children: An exceptional wife can help her husband save a significant amount of time and money by raising children effectively and enjoyable. Many schools are ineffective, and whatever is learned becomes irrelevant after a few years. A wise woman nurtures her children and educates them at home. This approach provides children with ample time to learn, play, concentrate on their interests and saves lot of money.

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