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Women, her Work and Happiness

Writer's picture: v ev e

Updated: Oct 2, 2024

There are of course expectional women like Madam Curie, Ayn Rand, etc who achieved greater success however, exceptions do not make the norm. This article in no shape or form want to belittle or undermine women abilities but rather point out truth and one should not given special treatment (like in jobs, opportunities, reservations, etc) for women as undermine people with skill. Also society including men celebrated whenever women achieved success but this notion that women can get better at innovative things across various fields are grossly mistaken.

The current state of a particular gender of all species is attributed mostly to their biological imperative. Since these roles/duties are practiced over millions of years, naturally that gender of that species becomes good at those roles. It has nothing to do with greatness of one gender being superior over the other. Much of the conflict women in the present day experience is because they were told that there is greatness in achieving what men have achieved. Unfortunately, women started going against their biological imperative which is leading to all sorts of modern crises and unhappiness. Let the reader be cautioned that this should not be construed as hindering opportunities presented to women.

The reason why women are not great (could be above average) at cooking, nursing, teaching, science, technology, philosophy, mining, war, dancing, any form of art, including nurturing children on their own and any kind of vertical in general is because the roles which men and women choose differ for advancement of their species. Men chose risker roles whereas women chose safer roles. Because men took riskier roles they achieved more success than women.So it is in this reason man built more muscle than women, are more testosterone driven and more focused which lead to better intellectual abilities in performing tasks. Men as a result are good at handling single tasks and not particularly good at multiple tasks at one time. Since men took riskier roles they also failed more often than women. On the other hand women chose safer roles which lead them to less failure because of mothering children and hence less success. It’s the same reason women lack physical strength and higher intellectual ability, and have very few creative skills in any field of science, technology, engineering, art, etc. As women need to raise children they have no option but to choose men with success and or strength. Instances where women take similar roles as men are rare and do not account for any meaningful percentage.

Lets take one example of the mining sector. It was men who ventured into mining to extract minerals, metals, etc. Men ventured on land and also into the oceans. No where can one see where women ventured into this space initially. Only when machines were created, women started getting into this space as operators. And since there is less risk, they end up being paid less. Still you do not see women in the riskier jobs in that sector like going deep inside the mines and performing tasks. The caveat for men here is the safer and more mundane a job becomes, the sooner it will be taken over by women whether he likes it or not. Even though men invented that sector, then standardized the process, women will unavoidably venture into his creation. The day when women start a whole new sector whether its new genre of art, new technology vertical, or science, etc is when women will be equal to men and will excel and not charity aspects like diversity programs, political programs to endow such opportunities.

Due to the greater rewards which come with greater risk, men are not happy at mundane or safer tasks. They get depressed and agitated when risk is taken out of a profession. And in the contrary women are not natural risk takers, and they find fulfillment at safe/secure jobs, and if they are taken out of those professions they get unhappy. Should women take riskier roles, then their value for men decreases dramatically as youth/beauty/child bearing abilities decrease. Women cannot the cake and eat it too at the same time. As men achieve for success to carry his heredity they always choose women who are young and beautiful which makes women a depreciating asset while men become an appreciating asset. As one can see because of this biological imperative the natural advantage shifts from women to men over time.

If we take a hypothetical situation, and remove the biological imperative for argument sake, and women becomes equally good at performing tasks like men then she would excel and men have to become weaker. Then men would choose safer tasks and women choose riskier tasks. Isn't that achieving the same result except with gender roles reversed? So the whole of humanity ventured into this idea just to come to the conclusion that it doesn't work? If only humans with their complicated and convoluted reason could see this simple truth and learn a lot from other animals where these gender roles are well understood and respected and not debated constantly, then society would improve.

On majority, men and women are happier when their lives are geared towards the complimentary roles of each other rather than competitive. So women will be lot happier and content if she pursue her nurturing abilities FIRST (again only in the presene of strong father) by raising children and being valuable to man and then pursue her career LATER part in life instead of pursuing her career first and thus wasting her youth, fertility and having scarcity of men. Since women do not settle down, if career is given higher priority then it diminishes her chances of getter even higher status men as there are very few of them. ( Men of all ages value only women below 25 years of age for she is more fertile, less baggage because of past relations and amicable with his goals.) Eventually she will end up being alone or grudgeful towards society especially men at large. This can. be seen in leftovers from china and japan and other names called in western society. There are huge amount of conflicts between couple (often end of divorce) when they are equal earners so this notion of equality is an illusion.

To grossly summarize, men choose roles of success whereas women choose roles of value. And because of this nature, men achieved far more than women. However, the current generation is trying to quantize the value of women and as a result is destabilizing the balance of the natural order leading to an unhappy society.


To summarise a smart woman will marry between 18 to 22 raise multiple kids by 35 and then look for career opportunities if she wants. This way she has much high bidding chances to secure a resourceful man and have energy to riase kids. And once have done raising them then take care on career roles if she wants. Only hedonistic women wants high position jobs and end up lonely miserable lives or ruin the family with constant conflicts.

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